Once logged in to Pass, how long do I stay logged in to the system?

The answer to this question depends on the method that was used to log in.

Web Browser - If you used a web browser to log in, you will remain logged in until midnight in your time zone, when the system will automatically log you out.  If you do not log out of the system at the end of your workday, the next day it may appear that you are still logged in; but once you try to interact with the program, you will be redirected to the log-in page.

Kiosk - Once generated, your Kiosk will remain active for at least 10 days as long as the computer isn’t turned off or the browser isn’t closed.  If the computer is turned off or the browser is closed, you will need to log back into your Pass system and launch your Kiosk again (or if using the K-login method, re-enter the code).

Mobile App - Once you’ve downloaded the app and logged in, you will remain logged in until you log out of the app or remove the app from your device. Depending on your settings, you may need to log back in after an App version update.

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