Why do I get SSL errors when using Securly DNS servers?

When using the Securly web filtering solution you may be unable to access certain SSL websites*.

Here are the common problems with HTTPS websites:

  1. Missing the Securly Certificate
  2. Non-Securly HTTPS inspection
  3. Site not decrypted
  4. Site blocked due to policy

Missing Certificate

Ensure you have installed the Securly SSL certificate on your device and browser. Firefox may require additional configuration.  Without the certificate, you will receive connections, not private error messages on sites like Google and Facebook.


Inspect the certificate provided by the website, it should be issued by *.securly.com


If you are getting a connection that is not private from a website providing the *.securly.com certificate, this means the certificate is not installed correctly.

Non-Securly HTTPS inspection

Other web filters and antivirus clients can intercept traffic and also cause problems.

Site Not Decrypted

Some sites are not decrypted and are blocked by the default policy. This will cause the site to present an  ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR. For example, https://pinterest.com will provide this error because social media was blocked on the default policy.


If you want to allow the site for all users please add the site to the Global Allow. If you think this site should be allowed for some users and blocked for others, please have your network administrator contact support@securly.com.

Site Blocked by Policy

You may be blocked by our current policy. This will show the Securly block page. The Securly SSL certificate is installed correctly, but you do not have the right to view the website with your current policy.


*Note that Securly does not decrypt banking or healthcare sites.  


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