Release notes - January 2024

The January 2024 release for Rhithm included the following bug fixes :

  1. Search Field Issue

    Type: Bug

    Description: Fixed an issue where the search field was not functioning correctly when clicking on the receipt of risk alert from District.

  2. Deletion of Manually Added Classes

    Type: Bug

    Description: Resolved a bug where deleting manually added classes from the setting page did not remove them from the entity list.

  3. Note Alerts for 'Survey Assessments'

    Type: Bug

    Description: Addressed a bug related to note alerts being incorrectly triggered for 'Survey Assessments'.

  4. Issue with Repeated Scheduled Events

    Type: Bug

    Description: Fixed a problem where repeated scheduled events were not working as expected. Previously, when an event was scheduled to repeat, it would only run once, requiring manual creation for subsequent occurrences.

  5. Recurring Events Not Triggering

    Type: Bug

    Description: Corrected an issue where recurring events were not triggering on the following day. This fix ensures that if a recurring event is created from any role, it will reliably trigger the next day.

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