How to disable Guest Mode for Chromebooks?

Chromebook users can browse the internet and bypass filtering using Guest Mode. Therefore, you should disable Guest Mode for all Chromebooks you use.

Enabling the guest mode would allow the Chromebook to be used as a guest without the district user policy in place. This mode is similar to the Incognito Mode supported by the Chrome browser, which we also recommend turning off.

To do this:

  1. Log in to your Google Admin Console at
  2. Navigate to Devices > Chrome > Settings > Device Settings 
  3. Select the top-level organizational unit (OU), or the specific OU containing the Chromebook devices you want to manage.
  4. Scroll to Sign-in Settings > Guest Mode
  5. Select the 'Disable guest mode' configuration and click "Save" to apply any changes you've made.

This will prevent users from signing in to Chromebooks as guests, adding an extra layer of control and security.


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