How do I manage multiple domains with Securly?

Sometimes, school admins are required to manage multiple domains for their schools. The Securly web filtering solution allows you to handle these multiple domains under a single administrative instance.

Two types of configurations exist in this case:

  1. You have two or more distinct domains - this means that you manage your domains via separate login credentials. In this case, the Organizational Units (OUs) will have to be imported into Securly separately for each domain.
  2. One is a sub-domain of the other - you manage multiple domains using the same login credentials.

To have all your domains reflected in Securly Filter or Securly Aware, please contact Securly support at Make sure you indicate which are standalone domains or sub-domains so that they can be included appropriately by our support engineers.  

Once we have confirmed the change request to your account, the domain will be visible in the Securly admin panel under the Policy Map - Import. At this point, you can import your OU's for the given domain.

For more information about domains within Google Apps, please refer to their KB here: 

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