How to exempt users from Forced Logins?

To allow Securly to monitor and report student activity efficiently, we recommend that you enable Forced Login in the Global Settings.  We have mandated forced login from off-site to ensure maximum student safety.

The Force Login settings do not affect Chromebooks (Chrome OS) using Securly. The user is identified by the device login.

However, at times you may want to exempt users from forced login, e.g., younger students with limited typing skills or guests without GAFE accounts.

To do this, you need to have more than one public IP. Schools with a single public IP will use the global setting to control Force Login for all users.

Forced Login Exemptions

  1. Route the desired traffic to the internet using a different public IP address than the devices requiring Force Logins.
    1. This may require modification to your internal network.
    2. An exception cannot be made based on the internal network IP address (Example: Internal addresses are hidden from Securly by NAT done on your firewall.


  1. Send Force Login exempt public IP to

Guest Network Policy

The Guest Network Policy also does not require Force Logins. It also does not require the installation of an SSL certificate. To learn more about our Guest Network Policy, click here.


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