How to use the parent report settings in Securly Filter?

Admins can configure what activity is shared with parents through the weekly activity reports and the Home app. This feature allows schools to granularly limit parents’ visibility of particular categories or types of activity. This feature considers the need to allow schools to limit parents' visibility into searches, especially for schools that are sensitive to their students’ privacy.

To use the parent report settings, log in to your Securly Filter console and navigate to Parents > Settings and scroll down to Report Settings. 

Here you will find the option to configure for Outside school and In School. You will also get a couple of preset options that you can use, or go with the custom settings. 


The ‘Show all activity’ preset will share all activity for all categories, while the ‘Disable all’ preset will stop sending or showing any activity to parents. The default setting is the ‘Show all activity’ preset and the custom activity option is disabled. You can edit any checkbox for any of the categories to enable the Custom activity option


You have the option to save this for just Outside school, or In school or both. This means that you can choose to share different types of activities with the parents for when their child is outside school and In school.



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