How To Fix Access Blocked Google Message

Sometimes Google makes changes that require specific Trust settings on 3rd-Party Apps to be set a certain way.

You may find that users are getting an error when accessing Securly Classroom, Securly Filter, Securly Visitor, etc. that says "Access blocked: Your institution's admin needs to review Securly"


To fix this you will need to log into your Google Admin Console and navigate to Security - Access and Data Control - API Controls


Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 12.01.42 PM.png


From there you will want to click on MANAGE THIRD-PARTY APP ACCESS
Search for all apps that contain SECURLY
And then click on the CHANGE ACCESS link for each one

Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 12.04.31 PM.png

The scope should be your whole Google Workspace org - Click Next


Access to Google Data should be Trusted - Click Next

Screenshot 2023-11-06 at 12.09.12 PM.png

Confirm by clicking Change Access.

After making these changes, it may take up to 24 hours for these changes to take effect, and your users will need to restart their devices. Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

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