How are substitutes handled in Flex?

There are several options for handling Substitute Teachers in Flex.

  1. The Flex system provides functionality to give a Substitute Teacher temporary access to the system in order to take attendance for an activity originally scheduled by the absent Teacher.  There are detailed instructions for this process in the Flex Admin Guide, specifically in the “Teacher Attendance / Substitute” section.  (There are also several helpful training videos available to admins and staff role users.)
  2. Another less technologically dependent workflow for subs is to print off the attendance roster for the teacher who is absent.  The teacher can print off their own roster and place it within their substitute folder or notes for their sub.  Keep in mind that if the school’s cutoff time is the day of the flex, the printout may not be accurate if printing it is the day before.  A system admin in the front office can also simulate any teacher and print out their attendance for the day, giving it to the substitute when they check in at the beginning of the day.  The substitute can record attendance on the printout and turn it in to the Front Office to then update in Flex.  
  3. Oftentimes, teachers, staff, and administrators will cover for one another.  A teacher (or an admin simulating the teacher) can go to an activity and share attendance with another adult Flex user who will be supervising the activity on behalf of the teacher.  This way the other adult can take attendance for the absent teacher directly from their own Flex screen.  

If you have any questions about how to handle substitutes in Flex for your school, please submit a request with the Flex Help Desk.    

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