Why is the attendee max cap on my activity being exceeded?

There may be several instances when your attendee max cap is exceeded.  The first instance, although rare, may happen when two (or more) students sign up for an activity within milliseconds of each other.  The system, in turn, may be unable to recognize this and exceed your max cap.  If this presents a problem, teachers can adjust this by setting their max caps by one less seat.  This scenario typically only arises with choice activities when students are signing up at exactly the same time.*

Another instance when your max cap may be exceeded is when you Plus Add a student or students.  The system allows a teacher to add students over the set max capacity.  Also, remember, Plus Add can be utilized after cutoff time when an adult needs to grab an available student for an activity.

*Note: If you see the first scenario happening frequently, we recommend that you reach out to the Help Desk so we can take a deeper dive into the issue.

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