How can we manage a sign-up day followed by mandatory sessions?

You can offer students a choice/sign-up day and then adjust the activity to be mandated thus “locking” them into the activity for a set period of time.

Many schools have a sign-up day followed by sessions that last 1, 2, or more weeks.  

To manage this follow the steps below.  (There is also a video in the HELP section of Flex that walks teachers through these steps.)

  1.  Create and schedule the choice activity for the first day of the session. (Students can then sign up.)
  2.  Once students have signed up, take the list of students who registered, from the "Student Attendance" screen, and create a group.  (Below is an example of the New Group screen.)

  1.  Go to the original choice activity on the "Activities List" screen and make a copy.
  1.  Edit the copy activity, adjust the title, and select a mandatory priority level (Required or Priority).  Add the group you previously created and any additional students as necessary.

  1.  Schedule the mandatory activity for the remainder of the session.

Extra Tip:  When offering the same activity for a different session/group, make a copy, add to the title which session, change the group, and schedule.

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