How does a teacher know that a student will miss a mandatory activity?

When a student will miss a mandatory activity, the teacher can see this on the Student Attendance screen in Flex.  There will be a “Missing Student” section at the bottom of the attendance list for that particular activity.  Students who will be missing are listed here along with the corresponding reason.  

Below is a list of the potential reasons a student would miss a mandatory activity:

  • They are scheduled in a higher level priority activity (Ex: Brandon & Maggie students below)
  • They were scheduled in another ‘same-level’ activity and selected the other mandatory activity (Ex: Kimberly student below)
  • An Admin has “manually excluded” the student because they are not expected to participate in the school’s flex period.  (Ex: Joseph student below)
  • If a school is using the Flex Lunch functionality in the system, there may be times that a student may have to take their lunch rather than attend a mandatory activity.  The reason “Must Attend Lunch” will be listed here with the student’s name. 

As noted in the above screenshot, the teacher will then know whether to expect the student in flex or not. It may also prompt some conversations between the teachers and student/s.

Tip:  If a “missing student” appears on your activity attendance list, using the Student Search (Students > Student Search) feature may allow you to plan accordingly for any future activities.

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