How does a teacher delete an activity?


Once a teacher, staff, or admin creates an activity, it cannot be deleted.  The system is designed this way so that activities are not permanently removed, especially if they’re in use.  However, once an activity is created, adults can make it “Inactive” if it’s not scheduled in the future. 

Here are several ways to do this:

Option 1:

Dashboard > Activities > Activities List

Status (far right) > Click the checkmark

Click “Confirm” with the next prompt to make the activity “Inactive”

Option 2:

Dashboard > Activities > Activities List

Actions (far right) > Click the pencil (see above)

Active > toggle blue button to left (makes activity “Inactive”)

Click Save activity


Note:  If an activity was created but never used, a teacher could edit the details (via pencil icon), and then schedule it.

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