What is barcode scanning in Flex?

Barcode scanning is an attendance feature that allows ID scanning to record attendance.  

Teachers, Staff, and Admins will utilize this feature by navigating to the Student Attendance screen. There is an icon to the right of the QR Code icon for Barcode scanning. (This icon does not appear until the day of the activity.)

Upon clicking the icon, the user is brought to an Activity Barcode pop-up.

The Teacher/Staff/Admin will then scan attendance for the students, marking them “Present”. The barcode that is being scanned must contain the SIS ID Number that is set up in Flex for the students at your school. The teacher will need to adjust attendance for any students who were not scanned, to indicate Absent or Late, and then “Submit” with the blue check mark.

  • There is no need to close down the window until you are done scanning all of the students.

  • If there is more than one activity, there is no need to bring up the scanning screen more than once - the student will be scanned into the appropriate activity.

  • This does work for Shared Attendance activities as well.

  • If the student is not registered for the activity, yet tries to get scanned, the following error will be returned:

  • Scanning attendance can be done for current or past days.  It functions the same way taking attendance the traditional way does. If using barcode scanning for a past date’s activity, you would be updating the status to “Present”.

  • If the student does not have an ID to scan, the student’s SIS number can be entered manually in the field.

Schools will need to purchase/provide the necessary scanning devices to be connected to the devices used by adults taking attendance in Flex.

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