How to troubleshoot student devices not connecting to Dyknow


There are a few common scenarios in which student devices may not be monitored. Dyknow Tech Coach and Admins have awesome tools available to help Teachers resolve nearly all issues that may arise!


1. Is the Dyknow Cloud Connector installed on the student device?

Look for the Dyknow icon on the student's device to confirm Dyknow is successfully installed.

If you're not with the student's device, a Dyknow Tech Coach or Admin can confirm that Dyknow is successfully installed on a student device in Dyknow Admin Settings, under the Users tab - the student will have a value in the Version # column.

If Dyknow has not yet been installed, reach out to your Dyknow Account Contact for assistance.


2. Is the student device connected to the internet?

Sometimes a student device is turned off, or the device lid is closed.

Ensure the student device is connected to the Internet, and on an approved IP address if your school has IP restrictions enabled under Blackout settings.


3. Is the student enrolled in the Class?

View the Class roster to ensure the student is enrolled.

Read our Manage Dyknow Classes Manually article for step-by-step instructions on identifying and manually editing a Dyknow Class record.

If the student isn't enrolled, first ensure the Class roster is updated in your Student Information System to avoid overriding any manual updates you make to the roster during the nightly sync.


4. Is the student device login recognized?

Cross-reference the student device login credentials with their DyKnow student User record, ensuring the two match.

Mac and Windows/PC devices: The Username a student is using to login to their Mac or Windows/PC device must match their DyKnow student User record.

  • On a Mac, identify the device Username by navigating to Settings > Users & Groups > Login Options

  • On a Windows/PC, identify the device Username by:

    1. Opening File Explorer.
    2. Clicking the OS (C:) file.
    3. Clicking the Users file.
    4. Reviewing the list of file names/usernames to identify the correct student device username.

    Note: there may also be a Default username and a Public username listed.

Chromebook devices: The Email Address a student is using to login to their Chromebook device must match their DyKnow student User record.

  • On a Chromebook, identify the device Username by:

    1. Opening Chromebook Settings.
    2. Scroll down to the People section.
    3. Locate the name of the student in question, and identify the email address associated with their name.

Read our Manage Dyknow Users Manually article for step-by-step instructions on identifying and manually editing a Dyknow User record.


5. Restart the student device.


6. Run a Health Check on the student device.


7. Send a Log Report from the student device.


8. Contact Securly Support.

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