Release notes - Feb 2023

Enhanced privacy mode

An enhanced privacy mode has been provided for Filter, Aware, Respond, and On-Call users. With this, admins can choose to 

  • hide student names and emails from On-Call analysts and the Respond team
  • hide activity feed for all admins and staff 
  • stop email alerts to admins or faculty group members for bullying. Only self-harm and violence-related email alerts will be sent. 

This is a configurable feature and schools can choose to opt into this as required. 

For details read the article here.


Filter-Classroom integration for temporary allow feature

For schools that use both Classroom and Filter, the integration would let teachers seamlessly allow websites during a class in Classroom even if they are blocked under the student's policy blocklist in Filter. This feature is configurable in Classroom and can be turned on or off by the admin at any time. (This feature is dependent on changes on the Classroom side which will be released next week.)

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