ClassLink Rostering Instructions (for IT)

If your district uses ClassLink to connect to third-party apps, you can quickly and easily sync data to Rhithm, including schools, classes, teacher accounts, student accounts, and admin accounts. Additionally, ClassLink SSO can be used to sign in to Rhithm.

Steps for connecting to Rhithm

  1. Navigate to ClassLink and add Rhithm as a roster application

    1. Configure roster-sharing permissions

  2. Add Rhithm as an app to your school or district's ClassLink LaunchPad

  3. Enable OAuth SSO on users' devices

  4. Confirm with the Securly Onboarding team that you've added the app to ClassLink by replying to your onboarding welcome email.

Once you configure and launch the sync we will receive all the necessary endpoint URLs, client secrets, etc. that we need. We will take it from there! 🚀

Additional information about ClassLink and Rhithm

Can I share admins and counselors via ClassLink?

Yes! Any users shared as admins at an organization will be granted admin accounts within Rhithm.


What if admins are not in ClassLink?

That's okay! Our team can add campus administrators manually by sending them an invitation to join their school in Rhithm. Reach out to your Sales or CS Engineer and we can provide additional instructions.


Is students' data secure?

Yes! We don’t share students’ data with anyone, including marketers. We have strict internal data governance policies. We host our data on private, HIPPA compliant, dedicated servers with the highest security levels. Our app is structured to be FERPA compliant as are our business policies. More information is available here.

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