App Usage Pivot Table (Rhithm Insights)

Video walkthrough

Report details

This report provides visibility into Rhithm engagement and includes 2 separate tables: Usage Rate and Check-Ins Per User.

Usage Rate

The left-hand side of the table shows the name of your district followed by each of the schools in your district that are participating in Rhithm. The usage rate is calculated by dividing the number of active users who have completed at least 1 Rhithm check-in by the number of total users.

  • You can hover over any number in the table to see the specific numbers of active users and total users used in each calculation.

Each usage rate percentage is assigned a color:

  • Dark orange: A school’s usage is under 7%

  • Light orange: A school's usage rate is between 7% and 20%

  • Yellow: A school's usage is between 20% and 40%

  • Light green: A school's usage is between 40% and 60%

  • Dark green: A school's usage is above 60%

đź’ˇ These colors also correspond with the 5-star rating system used in the School Leaderboard report

Check-Ins Per User

To see a second pivot table, change the metric selector from "Usage Rate" to "Check-ins Per User". This table will tell you the average number of Rhithm check-ins each user has completed during the selected time period.

Each check-in number is assigned a color based on the average number of check-ins per week (or whichever date level you've selected).

  • Dark orange: Less than .5

  • Light orange: Between .5 and 1.5

  • Yellow: Between 1.5 and 2.5

  • Light green: Between 2.5 and 4.5

  • Dark green: Above 4.5

The rating criteria for either report can be altered. To do this, use the “edit rating criteria” button on the right. Each of the numbers should be entered as a decimal, for example - enter 0.5 to represent 50%, 0.7 to represent 70%, and so on.

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