Tempo Scores & readiness to learn

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Tempo Score overview

The Rhithm Tempo Score is a simple quantitative measure calculated based on responses from any of our Wellness Check-Ins (Essential Wellness Check-In, Simplified Wellness Check-In, Simplified Wellness Check-In Color-Only).

A composite of your students' tempo score is at the top right of your dashboard, and each individual student's tempo score is listed next to their name on the Entity List. As a teacher, you can find your Tempo Score under "Me" on the Entity List, next to "Students". Your Tempo Score is not included in the calculation of your students' composite score.

The Tempo Score can range from 0-100 and starts at 100.

  • Wellness Check-In responses in the green zone (eg: content) will not affect the tempo score

  • Wellness Check-In responses in the yellow or blue zones (eg: hyper or tired) will lower the tempo somewhat

  • Wellness Check-In responses in the red or violet zones (eg: angry or sad) will lower the tempo scores the most.

For reference, here are some examples of how our emoji responses relate to different colors on the Regulation Spectrum:

Detailed information about viewing Tempo Scores, how they are calculated, and best practices can be found here.

Tempo Score and readiness to learn

Tempo Scores indicate a student’s level of dysregulation. When a student’s wellness is dysregulated, key areas of their brain, such as the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus, are not able to function properly. These areas of the brain are responsible for focus, attention, information recall, reasoning, and storing new learnings.

Simply put: when a student is dysregulated, a student is not ready to learn.

  • In general, students with a Tempo Score of 90-100 are regulated and ready to learn.

  • Students with a Tempo Score between 70-90 may be experiencing dysregulation in one or more area, but are likely functioning well enough that new learning can still take place.

  • Students with a tempo score of 70 or below may experiencing dysregulation in more than one area, and may benefit from a check-in or additional regulating activity (such as a video from the Rhithm Toolkit) before they are able to successfully engage with learning.

Tempo Score over time

Tempo Scores are not test scores. We do not expect students to get an “A” and be within the 90-100 range at all times.

It is human nature to have ebb and flow in wellness. In fact, if you have a student with consistently high tempo scores, it may be beneficial to check-in with that student to ensure they understand the Check-In scales and feel comfortable responding with accuracy and honesty.

That said, Rhithm Insights data from the past 2 years indicates that schools and districts that implement Rhithm observe an increase in the average student Tempo Score over time. We believe this is due to Rhithm’s impact on school environments by providing better alerting of student mental wellness needs to key school personnel and teaching students and teachers better self-regulation skills through the activities & lesson videos which populate after the Wellness Check-In.

Teachers who have used Rhithm consistently in their classroom agree - Getting into Rhithm improves wellness and their student's readiness to learn.

Not sure what to do next? Check out this article on using the Rhithm Toolkit to help your students be more ready to learn.

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