Helping students be ready to learn

One way to know if your students are ready to learn is to reference their Tempo Score.

Our algorithm ensures that the videos which populate after the Wellness Check-In will help meet your student’s need for regulation in-the-moment. When students are regulated, they will be more ready to learn.

However, if you are wanting more to help your students be ready to learn, there are additional steps you can take.

1. Identify the cause of their dysregulation.

There is often a cause underlying a student's dysregulation, and asking yourself questions to better understand can help you begin to meet your students' needs.

You may investigate: Is this a student who is frequently reporting dysregulation in the violet or blue zones, such as Hunger, Tired, Sad, or “Bad” social life? Or is this a student who is frequently reporting dysregulation in the yellow or red zones, such as Hyper, Anxious, Angry, or experiencing conflict with peers? Maybe it is a student feeling a combination of dysregulation?

Finding out the cause of the dysregulation is the first step to meeting your students' needs.

You can do that by exploring their response data or simply checking in with your student and asking them how they are feeling, and what is on their mind.

2. Identify a Rhithm activity that helps meet their need

You can use the Rhithm Toolkit, located within the left side menu on your dashboard, to find regulating activities and videos based on students’ needs. You can filter videos by “Need” and search specifically for Calming or Energizing videos.

For example, many of our breathing and mindfulness videos are "Calming", and many of our movement and affirmation videos are "Energizing". Some video practices, such as cross-body movement and select imagination techniques, are universally regulating and can assist students experiencing a combination of dysregulation.

The practices within the Rhithm Toolkit teach self-regulation skills, and repetition over time can lead to habit formation. Due to the high levels of neuroplasticity that exist within a developing brain, this can result in long-term changes in a student's ability to self-regulate and be well over time.

Additional information on using the Rhithm Toolkit can be here.

3. Identify additional resources, if necessary

The Rhithm Toolkit is designed to provide individualized Tier 1 practices to students. Some students may need more specific interventions. For example, if you have a student struggling with social relationships, they may benefit from mediation with a peer, or participation in a social skills group.

If there is a student you are concerned about, you can reference their ‘Notes’ section on your Dashboard to learn more about what they have been experiencing, and consult your school’s counseling or social work department about potential next steps.

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