Creating Risk Alert templates


Risk Alert templates are a great way to save a reusable version of a Risk Alert that can be customized later. You can also make templates public, allowing others at your school or district to create this Risk Alert in their accounts.

Using Risk Alert templates

To get started, first head to the Risk Alert center, then choose "Manage Alerts."

From here, select the "Template Library" tab. Here you'll see all Risk Alert templates that have been created. The Privacy column shows if the template was shared by someone else, or if it is a private or public template that was created by you.

From any of the templates listed, click "Actions" then "Use template" to create a customized Risk Alert from the saved template. If you created the template, you can also click "Edit" to make changes or "Delete" to remove it entirely.

More information on creating Risk Alerts is available here.

Creating a new Risk Alert template

From the template library, click "Create Template" in the top-right corner to begin creating a new template. After saving your template, you'll see it listed on the "Template Library" tab.

For in-depth information on the various types of Risk Alerts, see this article.

Making templates public

While creating or editing a Risk Alert template, you can choose to make the template public by clicking the checkbox shown below. Private templates will only be visible to you.

Depending on your role, a public template will be visible to the following people:

  • Teacher or campus administrator: Public templates will be visible to teachers and campus administrators at the school where you created the template as well as district administrators

  • District administrator: Public templates will be available to all teachers and campus administrators in your district as well as other district administrators

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