Rhithm Technical Requirements

Rhithm is a web application accessed entirely in users' preferred browsers, so no software must be downloaded and installed on their devices. See the sections below for more information and tips on how to ensure the best experience.

Supported browsers and devices

Rhithm supports the following browsers and recommends using their latest versions for the best experience. These browsers can be used on Windows, Mac, Chromebook, iPad, and mobile.

  • Google Chrome

  • Apple Safari

  • Mozilla Firefox

  • Microsoft Edge


Rhithm video hosting

All in-app Rhithm video content is hosted directly on our CDN (cdn.rhithm.app). There are some supplementary support and training resources hosted on Loom and Vimeo, but neither of these are required in order for students, teachers, and administrators to use the app.

Rostering and SSO

Rhithm integrates with the following services for both rostering and single sign-on. Click the name of the service for more information:

If your district does not use one of the services above, we can also create accounts using CSV files, after which users can log in with a password or Google SSO. More information is available here.

Domains to unblock

While we don't anticipate any connectivity issues, if you are having trouble accessing any content on the site or receiving emails, you may need to unblock the following sources. Please reach out to your school's tech team for any assistance with this! đŸ”§


URLs to unblock

Unblocking these URLs won't unblock any content from providers other than Rhithm.

  • rhithm.app

  • accounts.securly.com

IP and email domains

If you are not receiving emails from Rhithm, we recommend asking your tech team to unblock the following IP address and email domain to help make sure Rhithm emails can land in your inbox.

  • Email domain: @rhithm.app

  • IP address:

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