How do I send Aware email alerts to school counselors?

We appreciate that emails flagged by Aware should be easily accessible to school counselors, teachers, and other relevant staff members to help them take appropriate action.

School admins can create Faculty Groups consisting of such individuals and assign them to receive Aware emails. Click here to learn how to create a new Faculty Group.  

Enable Aware activity emails

  1. Select any faculty group you want to send the Aware alerts to and navigate to the "Configurations" tab. To do that, navigate to Staff > Faculty groups > Configuration.
  2. Scroll down to the "Configure Email Alerts" go-to "Aware". Your configurable fields will display configurable fields for Gmail and Google Docs. You can create separate email alerts for both.
  3. Now select the "Category" you wish to create the alert for. 
  4. Next, select "Confidence Level" from the drop-down. Click here to learn more about Confidence Levels. 
  5. If you want to create a custom email alert for Google Docs, follow the same steps after clicking the Google Docs field.
  6. Scroll up and click on "Save".                                                                                                      

Faculty group users will now start receiving email alerts as per your configuration. You can edit your custom email alerts by selecting the faculty group and making the necessary changes in the Configuration tab. Click here to learn more. 

Note to ensure that these groups have been assigned OUs for which they should receive emails.

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